Home » Homemade Horsetail Plant Fungicide Recipe

Homemade Horsetail Plant Fungicide Recipe

by Chitra S.
Homemade Horsetail plant fungicide

Homemade marsh horsetail plant fungicide is easy to make and a way to avoid harmful and invasive chemicals to get rid of bugs, fungus and lice for your garden or even house plants.

When you are gardening organically, you don’t like to use harmful and invasive chemicals to get rid of bugs, fungus and lice. These little creatures are detrimental to plant health. So, we always try to get rid of this with some natural alternatives. Previously, my husband used diluted Neem infusion for this.

But, what if I told you, that sometimes the cure is already growing in your garden. The weeds which grow in our garden are sometimes the cure for such diseases. At least this was the case in our garden and we had an abundance of these weeds.

We actually didn’t know the benefits of this plant until recently, when a friend of ours pointed it out while watching one of my no dig gardening videos. And then she sent us a recipe to prepare this fungicide. Therefore I had to make it immediately and we are loving it so far.


Marsh Horsetail

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is a medicinal plant and is used for remedies dating back to ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Because of the medicinal properties of horsetail, they can also be used as a feed for the health of plants. Marsh Horsetail is invasive and a deep-rooted weed with fast-growing rhizomes (underground stems) that quickly send up dense stands of foliage. They usually grow in marsh and wet heaths.


Horsetail is easily recognized by its upright, fir tree-like shoots and they appear in summer. In spring, fertile light brown stems, 20-50 cm tall, appear with a cone-like spore producing structure at the end of the stems. In summer, sterile green shoots develop into fir tree-like plants, 60 cm tall. Horsetail is invasive and can be very difficult to get rid of.


It seems there are many medicinal uses for horsetail in herbal medicine because horsetail is rich in silica, contain several alkaloids (including nicotine) and various minerals. But that is not the purpose of this blog post, because I am using this plant as a fungicide in the garden.

In our no dig garden we have marsh horsetail growing in abundance mainly because the main vegetable garden is situated next to a stream and due to that its wet throughout the year. Lets now dive into the recipe.

Marsh horsetail weeds
Marsh Horsetail in our garden


Marsh Horsetail plant fungicide

For making this fungicide, you will need freshly cut marsh horsetail. You can also use dried horsetail herbs, if you don’t have access to fresh ones.

For making the fungicide you will need

  • 150 gm of fresh marsh horsetail chopped into small pieces
  • ( if you are using dry leaves use 50gm )
  • Onion 1 big bulb
  • One garlic bulb
  • 1 table spoon of oil
  • 1 liter of water
Homemade Horsetail plant fungicide


  1. Chop the marsh horsetail into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onions and garlic into big cubes.
  3. Boil water in a heavy bottom pot.
  4. Add all the chopped ingredients into the boiling water.
  5. Add the oil and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.
  6. Filter and store in a glass jar.


Dilute 1 part of the infusion with 5 parts of water and use. I usually use a spray bottle because that way you can easily spray on the leaves too.

The best time to use this homemade fungicide is to spray it on the plants is in the morning. Because at this time, the sunshine is not so strong and the fungicide will have time to get absorbed into the plants. Use the homemade fungicide once a week.

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Homemade Horsetail plant fungicide


If you store the fungicide in a Weck glass jar, it will last for months.

Your feedback is valuable

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Thank you so much for visiting Vial Fair Living – we’re so happy you’re here! and thanks for taking the time to read this post. I would love it if you can share this recipe using the social media buttons you see next to the post and give this recipe a 5 Star rating. 


Homemade Horsetail plant fungicide

Homemade Marsh Horsetail Fungicide for plants

Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 200 calories 2 grams fat
Rating: 4.5/5
( 6 voted )


  • 150 gm of fresh marsh horsetail chopped into small pieces
  • ( if you are using dry leaves use 50gm )
  • 1 big bulb onion
  • 1 garlic bulb
  • 1 table spoon of oil
  • 1 liter of water


  1. Chop the marsh horsetail into small pieces.
  2. Cut the onions and garlic into big cubes.
  3. Boil water in a heavy bottom pot.
  4. Add all the chopped ingredients and oil and cook on medium heat for 15 minutes.
  5. Filter and store in a glass jar and cool.


This Fungicide can also be used as a feed for the plants. Is effective in killing the lice and bugs on the leaves. Very practical for roses too.

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Monica kent 28. June 2021 - 12:47

Can I use it on vegetables and herbs please. Have a lot of green and white fly?

Chitra 28. June 2021 - 17:18

Yes. we used it on our vegetables too. Its all natural so why not.


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