Home » All Natural Zero Waste Toothpaste

All Natural Zero Waste Toothpaste

by Chitra S.
All Natural zero waste tooth paste

Brush your teeth with an all natural zero waste toothpaste recipes using essential oils and minimum of ingredients. It is so easy to make and you can whip it up in 10 minutes.

For the past few decades our family spent a fortune on buying organic and chemical free toothpastes. In addition to the cost we contributed to a lot of waste. Commercial toothpaste comes with all those throw away tubes. Because, of this I switched to making my own personal care products.


Reduce Waste

For many years, we bought Weleda toothpaste. Weleda you know is on the pricey end. A small tube of 150 ml costs around 6 Sfr. and over the years it does add up. The main criteria for buying this toothpaste is because it has only organic and natural ingredients. In addition to that, this toothpaste is also fluoride free. On the other hand, I had so many empty tubes, even though this was recyclable.

Cut costs

The second reason, to make your own toothpaste is to cut costs. Cutting costs has become a main priority for me since a few years.

Fluoride Free

Due to the negative effects fluoride has for our health and well being, I don’t want to have it in my tooth pastes,

Chemical & Preservative Free

In addition to not only fluoride, commercial toothpastes come with a lot of other ingredients. Stuff like, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Triclosan, Sodium Benzoate and other active ingredients. You certainly do not want them in your body.


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Arrowroot Powder

Baking Soda

Himalaya Salt

Coconut Oil

Bentonite Clay

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Peppermint Essential Oil

Clove Essential Oil

Cinnamon Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

All natural zero waste toothpaste

I will be sharing 2 oil based toothpaste recipes here. 


Need, I say about the properties of coconut oil. I use coconut oil for all my skin care recipes. Coconut oil is the most chosen oil for oil-based toothpaste, because of its antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. During the winter months, coconut oil is solid and this makes a thicker toothpaste. During the summer months the texture can be a little thinner. Therefore we use other ingredients to make it easy to use.


Baking soda is found in a lot of toothpastes. It contains sodium bicarbonate. According to some studies, baking soda has shown to have a better whitening and plaque removal effect than toothpastes without it.

Baking soda has a PH of 9, which also helps to preserve the toothpaste. The alkalinity of the baking soda can help neutralize the acids in your mouth, which can help fight cavities.


Arrowroot is a starch  which is obtained from the rhizomes (rootstock) of several tropical plants,  traditionally Maranta arundinacea among other varieties.

Since arrowroot flour is gluten free it is popular replacement for wheat flour. Arrowroot flour is relatively high in carbohydrates and low in protein (approximately 7.7%). Therefore, arrowroot flour cannot be substituted for wheat flour in breads.

Arrowroot thickens at a lower temperature than flour or cornstarch. It has a neutral taste, therefore perfect for our needs in this recipe. This will help to thicken your toothpaste since we use coconut oil.


Himalaya salt has gained a lot of popularity due to its rich mineral content and health benefits.


Bentonite clay is a great addition to homemade toothpaste because it helps give your toothpaste consistency.


Essential oils have a nice smell in addition to aroma therapy. Some of the oils you can use are :

  • Peppermint– peppermint essential oil freshens the breath and leave the mouth feeling clean.
  • Clove– Clove has powerful cleansing and purifying properties. And is used widely for toothache too.
  • Eucalyptus – Eucalyptus oil has natural anti-microbial and antiseptic properties. Low dosage is not harmful.
  • Cinnamon– Cinnamon essential oil can be used to freshen the breath and naturally whiten the teeth.


  • If you want to have a stable consistency, use fractionated coconut oil during the winter months.
  • Store the toothpaste in glass jars because plastic can leech into the essential oils and coconut oil.
  • Use essential oils which are pure and meant for internal use only.



  1. Mix all the dry ingredients into a bowl and set it aside.
  2. Next melt the coconut oil on low heat.
  3. Add the coconut oil into the dry ingredients a little at a time, mix well without lumps.
  4. Add the essential oils and mix.
  5. Store into sterilized glass jars.


All Natural zero waste tooth paste

All Natural Zero Waste Toothpaste

Serves: 50 Prep Time: Cooking Time:
Nutrition facts: 0.1 calories 3 fat
Rating: 5.0/5
( 8 voted )


  • Recipe 1
  • Coconut oil - 1/2 cup
  • Arrowroot powder - 1/2 cup
  • Baking Soda - 3 - 4 teaspoons
  • Himalaya Pink Salt - 1 - 2 teaspoons
  • Peppermint Essential Oil - 20 drops
  • Clove Essential Oil - 10 drops
  • Eucalptus Essential Oil - 10 drops (optional )
  • Ingredients for Recipe 2
  • Coconut Oil - 4 Tbl Spoons
  • Baking Soda - 2 Tbl Spoons
  • Bentonite Clay - 1 Tbl Spoon
  • Arrowroot Powder - 1 Tbl spoon
  • Peppermint essential oil - 5 drops
  • Clove essential oil - 5 drops


You can follow the instructions for both the recipes.

  1. Mix all the dry ingredients into a bowl and set it aside.
  2. Next melt the coconut oil on low heat.
  3. Add the coconut oil into the dry ingredients a little at a time, mix well without lumps.
  4. Add the essential oils and mix.
  5. Store into sterilized glass jars.
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All natural zero waste toothpaste

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Raja Rajeshwari V R 26. February 2021 - 12:13

Hi mam,
I am currently living in Switzerland. Thanks for providing great content… Could you pls let me know grow where can I source the ingredients? I am recently moved into switzerland and I donno German as well..so I find difficult to source these ingredients

Chitra 26. February 2021 - 15:05

Take a look at my blog post again. I have given all the links in the post under ingredients. I forgot to link. You should be easily able to get it. Other than coconut oil and some essential oils you cannot get the other ingredients so easily. I hope the links are useful to you. Let me know.


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