Home » 5 Effective Remedies to Digestive Problems

5 Effective Remedies to Digestive Problems

by Chitra S.
5 easy effective remedies to digestive problems

Most of us have experienced stomach distress and digestive issues from time to time. And an equal number of us have probably reached for a standard over-the-counter med. While these have their place, they’re not the only answer to gastrointestinal distress. Many natural remedies exist as well. They’re not only easy on the tummy but often life staples found in your own kitchen. If you’re looking for some easy and effective remedies try these 5 effective remedies to digestive problems you can do at home.

1. Ginger Root is an effective remedy to digestive problems

5 easy effective remedies to digestive problems

Ginger root has been a go-to remedy for all sorts of ailments for thousands of years. It’s even related to two other powerhouse herbs: turmeric and cardamom. Ginger is used extensively in Asian cooking for thousands of years. This magic root aids digestion and helps those who don’t have an appetite. Ginger tastes great as a tea with a bit of honey or even as ginger ale.

It’s soothing to the stomach, and can help reduce inflammation, which offers the user a good, all-around remedy for stomach pain. That is, why many people use it to alleviate nausea and other digestive problems caused by an improper diet. Ginger is also good for menstrual cramps and morning sickness as well.

It’s unclear why ginger works so well on an upset stomach, but it is believed that something in ginger helps food move more easily through the digestive tract. Hence, ginger should be a staple in your kitchen considering that its one of top 5 effective remedies to digestive problems.

2. Good Water

Most people don’t drink enough water. As a result, their digestive system takes a hit. Healthy doses of water alleviate dehydration when you have been sick enough to vomit or if you have diarrhea.

If you’re trying to drink more water, you can drink the water from a berkey water filter. Drink water at room temperature if you have a stomach upset. Drinking ice cold water is a no no according to Ayurveda and TCM medicine. It’s easier for your rumbling tummy to handle water at normal room temperature than icy cold water. Moreover, water at room temperature or even luke warm water does wonders for your digestion and improves your overall health and well being.

3. Yogurt : An easy yet effective remedy to digestive problems

The amount of good bacteria you have in your stomach plays a big role in the health of your digestive system. If you’re not consuming enough probiotics, then you may experience stomach upset on the regular. It is easy to make good quality yogurt at home. I have a been making yogurt since decades, check out my post on homemade yogurt.

Provided that you don’t have a problem with lactose intolerance, you should be safe to consume yogurt and other foods that contain healthy doses of good bacteria. Women’s Health Mag tells people with stomach upset to avoid salt, which can cause you to hold water, and its best to consume plenty of yogurt with “live and active cultures.”

4. Try a Milder Diet for a While

Eating foods like bananas, rice, applesauce and toast – also known as the BRAT diet – can help ease the effects of diarrhoea and nausea. These foods don’t contain added spices or salt. Since added spice and salt contribute to digestive distress, its best to eat easy to digest food during this time.

These foods are also known to bind to toxins, helping to pull the offending stuff out of your system. Stick to a diet of plain toast and bananas for a day or two and see how your symptoms improve.

5. Add More Fibre to Your Diet

If you’re lacking fibre in your diet, you may experience both constipation and diarrhea. Constipation and diarrhoea are extremely uncomfortable and both can be helped by adding more fruits, veggies, beans and whole grains to your menu.

If you’re not used to consuming enough fibre, then there are some simple ways to add more to your diet. You can eat a healthy cereal in the morning – just make sure it’s a high-fibre brand. Adding some slices of fruit to it will make it taste better and kick up the fibre content. In addition to that you could add yogurt to your cereal and have an additional benefit of healthy probiotics.

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Additionally, you can a green salad to your lunch and dinner will help with your fibre intake. So, consume fruits, like apples, oranges and grapes as snacks throughout the day.

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5 effective remedies to digestive problems

Do you have something more to add to this list. I would love to hear from you in the comment section below.

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