With the current global scenario, pressure on farmers due to rising gas prices and growing food shortages, there’s no better time than now to grab a shovel and begin growing your own produce. Even if you’ve never turned a hand to gardening, with a few expert tips, you can move closer toward self-sufficiency and enjoy fresh vegetables year-round. So, to help you jump start with gardening, we will explore ways on how to start and sustain a productive garden.
We built our garden from wilderness to a productive garden in the present home. There is so much we learnt from zoning, building garden beds, composting, sowing seeds to harvest and finally canning and preserving. Do you want tips to start a garden from scratch, but not sure where to begin? Well, in this post I’ll cover the basics of gardening for beginners like you.
Potatoes are a staple ingredient in many cultures. You can make so many dishes with them, because they are so versatile in their use. I will be sharing tips on how to grow, harvest and store potatoes optimally to the get the maximum from this vegetable.
During such turbulent times, it pays to have some food self sufficiency. That alone should be one of the top reasons to store heirloom seeds. Well, there is definitely more than one reason to store heirloom seeds. These reasons are what I term important for any time in addition to the current global situation.
After the planting season and the tender loving care we give, next phase is the harvest. Read on to see what we got from our no dig summer garden harvest.
Looking for planting inspiration ? Here are some budget friendly no dig garden planting ideas.
Homemade marsh horsetail plant fungicide is easy to make and a way to avoid harmful and invasive chemicals to get rid of bugs, fungus and lice for your garden or even house plants.
It looks like ages since I wrote on the developments we made in our garden. Well a lot is happening now, with the weather getting warmer. Creating a no dig garden this spring was our priority. We wanted to take it seriously after dabbling briefly with it years ago. Read on to get some ideas on how to create a no dig garden.
Its been a while since I wrote anything on this blog. Some of the reasons was I was just too busy with many festivities in August. After that, I was away for 2 weeks visiting the United States in early September. I had been looking forward to this visit since some time. It was a good time to take a break and have some “Me” time with family and friends. We are no well into autumn now, but I thought I will share summary of our Swiss Summer Garden successes with you in this post.
Our Summer Organic Garden in 2019 was tricky this year. This summer was a difficult one due to a delayed spring. There was not so much of a harvest as of yet and July was a relatively slow month at the Swiss Organic Garden. We are yet to learn a lot more tricks of gardening in this erratic climate.