The outdoor area of your home is an extension of the living space to relax, enjoy and entertain during the warmer days. Since some of our outdoor areas have some kind of outdoor tiles or decking it can be unsightly if it is not maintained. Follow these simple tips to deep clean outdoor tiles without the need for any chemicals.
After the long winter, most of us in the colder climates want to make the maximum of the warmer sunny days. We basically move our dining and relaxing to the outdoors in our garden. So time to spruce it up before the season starts.
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Our spring cleaning this year began with our outdoor sitting area. We have a big garden and some part of it is tiled. I always use organic and chemical free cleaning products for all things inside our home. And the garden is no different. Since the tiles are subject to all kinds of elements it can be unsightly if they are dirty and mossy. We had neglected our garden sitting area for a little over a year and it was really unsightly to look at. There were patches of moss growing in between the tile gaps. Therefore, deep cleaning our outdoor tiles took priority before the beginning of our garden season.

- First remove the moss in between the tiles with the help of a small garden trowel .
- Next sweep the floor area with a broom to remove all dirt, dust, and debris.
- Hose the tiles down with fresh water, applying extra water to the soiled areas.
- If you see stains or embedded and ingrained dirt marks, apply an environmentally friendly cleaner to the tiled area.
- Use a scrubbing brush and scrub the tiles section by section at a time.
- Finally, simply hose off all the tiles with clean water and let it dry naturally. If the water does not drain easily, mop it off.

In the above picture, you can see the state of our garden tiles were in. I didn’t want to be scrubbing such a big area using elbow grease. So we used a high powered pressure cleaner to clean the tiles. This is very easy to do and in a matter of few minutes you have tiles that look almost like new. Make sure you use a fan spray rather than a small nozzle which may damage the stone. The whole process took about a couple of hours and now our tiles are looking great.
If you are worried about using too much water, don’t. The water consumption is very economical unlike hosing all the tiles. But it is an investment if you are going for a high end appliance. Therefore, it is cheaper to hire one from a garden center or hobby center. We borrowed one from our neighbor who happened to have one.

This high pressure cleaner is also excellent to clean granite walls, and stones. The above is the border wall we share with our neighbor, and it is also a difficult to reach area. On the floor below we had some pots which left an unsightly moss and grime on the tiles. Therefore, the high pressure cleaner was perfect to remove this hard grime, dirt and moss.

There is no hard and fast rule. We usually do it once a year during spring. During the winter months, we cover up the garden furniture with plastic sheets and then uncover them in spring. So the last cleaning we do is before we wind up for the winter. I sweep them regularly but deep cleaning is restricted to once a year.

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