South Indian cuisine offers a delightful array of breakfast options that are both nutritious and delicious. One such gem is this instant gluten free Cucumber Idli, a unique twist on the traditional rice idli. This idli is made with the fresh, hydrating goodness of cucumber,. Moreover these idlies are light, fluffy, and perfect. Even if you are new to Indian cuisine, this recipe is easy to follow and yields delightful results. Additionally, this idli is, it doesn’t require any fermentation.
Vegetarian & Vegan
We waited 5 years patiently to reap the benefits of our Pawpaw Tree. Finally, this year we had an abundance of this tasty tropical tasting fruit. The taste and flavor is a delicious combination of banana, mango and custard apple. Our Pawpaw fruits look a little like mangoes. But anyway who cares how it looks, as long as its tasty and we are able to harvest our own fruits. With so much of abundance, I wanted to preserve this harvest, so I made this easy and delicious Pawpaw jam recipe.
Every Summer, we plant a lot of tomatoes and when they are ripe, they ripen at the same time. That is when I make a lot of sauces. Pizzas are a hot favorite over the weekends at our home. I seldom buy any ready sauces. Preparing from scratch using sun ripened tomatoes is going to be one of the best homemade pizza sauce recipes.
Its Elderberry season in our country garden. We have a few bushes and I have to come up with many ways to use up the harvest. This is probably one of the best elderberry compote recipes, I have come across. I substituted cinnamon with vanilla bean. Elderberry compote recipe is easy to make and isn’t as tricky as Elderberry jam, since the compote doesn’t need to set.
It is that time of the year, when we gardeners are busy preserving our harvest. One of the abundance we have is Elderberry. If you have access to fresh elderberries, then add this easy 3 ingredient Homemade Elderberry Jam Recipe to your list. This recipe is the perfect way to preserve the luscious taste and health benefits of elderberry for the coming winter months.
Looking for a quick and wholesome meal, well Kitchari will tick that box. This healthy one pot kitchari recipe is nourishing and easy to digest. Kitchari has gained popularity in the west with Ayurveda way of life gaining its foothold here. This wholesome dish is made with Basmati rice and moong dal and the skillful use of spices and vegetables can produce balancing effects for the three bodily doshas in addition to the taste.
Try this easy to digest creamy and wholesome oatmeal porridge for your breakfast. I promise, you will love it and make it everyday for a quick breakfast. I am letting you into my secret of why this is easy on your stomach without any acidity, which is all common when you eat oats.
Homemade yogurt is healthy and full of those beneficial probiotics. We have yogurt for breakfast muesli, lassi an Indian yogurt drink and for lunch too. Learn how to make yogurt from organic raw milk without any fancy tools or set up.
Learn how to make paneer from raw milk, a soft cottage cheese from India, which is prepared by curdling hot milk without the use of rennet. You can make it from scratch at home with a minimum of effort and ingredients.
This homemade budget granola bars are healthy, low on sugar and gluten free. This recipe is easy to make with ingredients from your pantry. Granola bars are ideal for in between snacking and on the go energy boosting bars. You are going to love the ease and cost of this recipe. These homemade budget friendly granola bars are ideal for school break times.