Its that time of the year, when nature comes alive after a long winter. And with spring is also a lot of wild edibles around us which we can forage to add some greens to our diet. Hence, to get some precious greens as early as April, would be to forage and its all free. You can easily forage a few wild edibles and wild garlic is one of them. My favorite way of using this wild edible is with a Wild Garlic Pesto Recipe. Its so easy to make and tastes great.
Side Dishes
Learn how to make paneer from raw milk, a soft cottage cheese from India, which is prepared by curdling hot milk without the use of rennet. You can make it from scratch at home with a minimum of effort and ingredients.
This Lacto Fermented Tomato Pickles Recipe with basil and garlic is easy to make with any kind of tomatoes. The lacto-fermentation process are rich in probiotics and are good for gut health.
Serve these delicious and flavor packed pickled green tomato salad as a side dish or as a topping for your breads. The best recipe to use all those unripe tomatoes which do not get ripe by autumn.
Making homemade fermented pickles are that easy and its no rocket science. Whats more you get your daily dose of probiotic, a must for a healthy gut. Learn how to make fermented pickles at home with the minimum of ingredients and tools.
Rhubarb mixed fruit chutney is a great combination of tastes namely tart and the sweet taste. The tart taste of Rhubarb when combined with over ripe sweet fruits makes this chutney an ideal side dish.
How to make a tasty dish without much effort and preparation. This easy herbed potato tray bake is what I make often because my child is a very fussy eater. If you are looking for a tasty and easy recipe for fussy kids then this should work.
In this blog post I will be writing about how to prepare a tasty Recipe with Swiss Chard South Indian style. Swiss chard is a member of the beet family and is also known assilver beet and perpetual spinach, and they come in a variety of colors. You’ll find stems ranging from bright yellow and orange to red, purplish and even pink hues. Chard is in season from July to November.
Rosti is probably one Swiss dish which can be made vegan without any difficulty. Its also the easiest dish and anyone can make it all over the world. All you will need is potatoes of the hard variety and a few simple tools which are in everyone’s kitchen. Rosti is a hot favorite among kids here, a potato dish which is not chips and a healthier option in my opinion.
Scroll down for the printable version of the recipe.
Ultra Fastgrind Grinder chutney / masala feature
In this Blog post, I will be giving detailed instructions on how to operate Ultra Fastgrind chutney / masala feature. Chutneys are great side dishes in the Indian cuisine. In the southern India, this is a must with almost every savory breakfast dish. Chutneys in the western cuisine have a different concept than in the Indian cuisine apart from the word. Chutneys are traditionally ground with wet grinders or blenders using fresh ingredients, seasoned and eaten fresh.