Swiss Organic Fall Garden Update
For the past two weeks, day and night temperatures have been dropping at our Swiss Organic fall garden. We are now seeing the beginning of fall with temperatures dropping as low as 3 degrees centigrade. Our organic fall garden looks a lot different after getting used to an almost tropical weather these past few weeks.
With decreasing temperatures, not much is growing from our summer vegetable plants. We are still able to harvest some of summer the vegetables. We brought in the curry plants as they will not survive below 5 degrees out in the garden. They are now being housed till spring at our home with special lights.
Swis organic fall garden vegetables harvested
Some of the fall garden vegetables we could harvest so far, were some more Zucchini, pumpkin and butternut squash. In addition to that we have harvested all of the snake gourds, a couple of savoy cabbages, mexican cucumbers, tomatoes, string beans, and chilies.
We are actually quite pleased with the result so far. Some of the fall vegetables are still ripening and continuing to grow in size. We will harvest them at a later date.
The Mexican cucumbers are only now starting to give fruits. We haven’t planted these cucumbers but they grew over from last year’s seeds. We had neglected them a little till we could figure out and then supported them with the net. These are climbers and need the proper support. I have cooked them a few times so far, they are a little on the sour side, but with the right spices taste real yummy.
You can read more about the vegetables of our Summer garden late august 2018 in my earlier post.
Winter Garden preparation
This year it was our goal to prepare our organic fall garden for winter too. This way we can maximize our garden produce and try to eat what we grow whole year round.
I was surfing over the internet and you tube channels to get some inspiration and ideas to share with my husband. He is the gardener here at the Swiss garden. I came across this website:
I thought it was really great that they had so much technical knowledge all about gardening. They even had garden planner apps. This would be helpful for amateurs like us. I have shared it with my husband so he is more inspired to grow more vegetables. In the ex- potato bed, we have planted some winter vegetables.
Unharvested Vegetables
In the meantime we have planted some winter vegetables like winter spinach, Lamb’s lettuce, winter cauliflower and savoy cabbages.
We are still yet to harvest some more of the savoy cabbages. Since we will be going abroad for 4 weeks we thought it was best they stay in the cabbage beds. They will preserve and stay better there in the field rather than my fridge.
I guess we can leave the butter nut squash and pumpkins till end of October. We can harvest our fall garden vegetables then too.
In the meantime we have busy also making preserves like apple sauce and sea buck thorn berry jam. These posts will follow shortly.