Spring Planting at the Swiss Organic Garden
After the Greenhouse Construction, we at the Swiss Organic garden wanted to begin the garden season with spring planting. The planting was not so visible in the garden itself following a spell of extreme cold weather as it was still March. So, in the meantime we started the germination process with our heirloom seeds. Some of that was a success.
Spring Planting inside our new Greenhouse

By beginning of April, my husband started planting some of our heirloom seedlings in the greenhouse. We started to germinate them in the warmth of our home before planting. After a short spell of a few warm days, the temperature dropped back to winter temperatures. This was a big stress for the plants. It was too late to remove them once they were inside the soil. So, to combat the extreme temperature shock to the plants we started to heat up the greenhouse with 2 candles especially at night. This was sufficient enough for the time being. And we were monitoring the temperature constantly especially during the night. We also installed a remote thermometer to help us have a view from the warmth of our home and act accordingly. Looking at the weather forecast was another routine.
Installing drip irrigation system in the greenhouse

Since we were leaving for the UK during our Easter/Spring break for a couple of weeks, we needed to have a self irrigating system. By installing self irrigation the plants will survive with enough water inside the greenhouse as there is no rain fall inside the greenhouse. It was a little complicated to water them last year. We used to drag a long hose till the greenhouse.
So, my husband made an attachment with a Snip and drip irrigation system, the pipe used is porous and the water drips slowly to the soil. We opted for an inexpensive system as we were on a budget after the big expense of greenhouse etc. When you open the main source the water will just drip. It is best you time this, to avoid over flooding and killing the little saplings. All you need is someone to open the main source for about an hour or less. He had installed another system last year to water the plants across the stream by attaching a hose from the main source because we have no water supply there. So we just extended the pipe further to the greenhouse from that water source.
Our neighbor took care of the irrigation system during our absence. Therefore our plants had enough water and are thriving right now in the greenhouse.
Temporary tomato house at the Swiss Organic Garden

After the success of our tomatoes from our last year’s greenhouse, we wanted to make another smaller greenhouse. We will be planting more of the exotic plants inside the Greenhouse which need more warmth. More over we haven’t any permission to install a permanent structure. So we will test it out and see the reaction of the town planners. If there is no objection, next year our plan is to fit in a stronger more stable structure.
My husband made the basic frame and just covered the structure with the special PVC sheet and installed some metal supporters for the creepers.
Vegetables we planted

In the greenhouse we have planted carrots, lettuce, eggplants, bell peppers, Swiss Chard and some tomatoes. On the various patches, we planted Celery, Potatoes, Kohl rabi, Tomatoes, Beans, Cucumber, Zucchini, Butternut Squash. Many varieties of Potatoes, Spring onions and Salad Radish. We already harvested all the Salad Radish so will have to plant some more.
On the raised beds, some of the herbs like Rucola, Chives, Sage and Thyme have survived the winter and are thriving again that I am able to harvest them already. We plan to use the raised beds exclusively for herbs this year. So on that note I will end this blog post. Will keep you updated on a regular basis. Please watch the video to it.