Rhubarb produce is in season just once a year. When you have a garden producing one variety in abundance you need to make the most of that. The versatility of Rhubarb is incredible. We at the Swiss home do get creative with our produce. This delicious Rhubarb Lentil Soup called Sambar is a great accompaniment for rice, or even quinoa. This Blog post is about making this delicious Rhubarb Lentil Soup-Sambar.
Chitra S.
Organic Gardening in June is a busy month with just a hint of summer on the way. After the SPRING PLANTING SEASON, things got a little slow due to the cold and wet weather. We at the Swiss garden are now reaping the benefits of perennial plants and are harvesting some of these goodies.
Are you wondering how butter is made from raw milk ? In this blog post we will dwell into the benefits of raw milk butter and how easy it is to make butter at home. I will also show you Swiss Farmhouse method on how to separate cream from fresh raw milk.
Rhubarb is incredibly versatile with many culinary uses and there are hundreds of Rhubarb recipes when you browse around. In this blog post I will be sharing a tasty and time tested eggless Rhubarb scones recipe. Scroll down for a printable recipe card for the scones.
Laundry room with a difference,
The Swiss are known world wide for their efficiency and innovation. Everything has to run like the Swiss watch especially in my energy and cost efficient laundry room. Laundry room and doing our laundry is vital in our lives. In the long run this vital room has to serve me effectively not just in terms of cost and space but also on our energy bills. A lot of thought and planning has gone into this energy and cost efficient laundry room in our basement. I will be giving you tips on how to do your laundry room in the most efficient way.
Spring Planting at the Swiss Organic Garden
After the Greenhouse Construction, we at the Swiss Organic garden wanted to begin the garden season with spring planting. The planting was not so visible in the garden itself following a spell of extreme cold weather as it was still March. So, in the meantime we started the germination process with our heirloom seeds. Some of that was a success.
Recently, I posted Sourdough bread and other bread recipes in my older posts. Now how to store this delicious homemade bread to make it last longer and still keep fresh. I know 3 different ways to store bread and have been following it now for 2 decades. Apart from tips on how to store bread, I will review 2 top brands of bread storage systems here.
There are many ways to make your own sourdough bread and starter. I have been trying out sourdough bread since 2 decades with mixed success. The main key to success is not to give up. Many a times I have discarded a perfectly good sourdough starter due to laziness and being inconsistent with feeding the starter. Home made yeast culture is also tricky and very sensitive which is one reason why many beginners give up with time.
Smoothies have taken our eating habits to a new level in the past few years since we have all those kitchen gadgets. If you are looking for a quick power smoothie recipe then here is one you should try out. When ever I make this smoothie for breakfast, I feel very satiated for many hours, as a result I sometimes skip lunch. If you have a busy day ahead and no time to cook lunch, this smoothie could be the one for you.
Idli is a popular South Indian breakfast dish. Learn how to make your breakfast prep stretch for a few days by just altering this Idly batter a little to have a completely different but a healthy breakfast everyday. In this post I will be sharing Idli recipe using Ultra Fastgrind wetgrinder.