Looking for planting inspiration ? Here are some budget friendly no dig garden planting ideas.
Chitra S.
Summer is the time of abundance for seasonal fruits and berries. In this post, I am sharing with you my 6 easy homemade jam recipes that you can prepare easily.
Homemade marsh horsetail plant fungicide is easy to make and a way to avoid harmful and invasive chemicals to get rid of bugs, fungus and lice for your garden or even house plants.
This is an easy Italian style bread made of spelt sourdough which can be served as a side or sandwich and even for breakfast. This easy spelt sourdough tomato Focaccia recipe could be your family favorite. The nutty taste comes from spelt and oil soaked sun dried tomatoes. Spelt Focaccia bread has a deep flavor and the dried tomatoes seeped in oil enhances extra flavor to the crust.
Switzerland can pride itself for supplying one of the best water quality for its residents. Yet we still filter water for other reasons. Are you curious to know the top reasons why we got Big Berkey water filter for our small family ?
This homemade budget granola bars are healthy, low on sugar and gluten free. This recipe is easy to make with ingredients from your pantry. Granola bars are ideal for in between snacking and on the go energy boosting bars. You are going to love the ease and cost of this recipe. These homemade budget friendly granola bars are ideal for school break times.
It looks like ages since I wrote on the developments we made in our garden. Well a lot is happening now, with the weather getting warmer. Creating a no dig garden this spring was our priority. We wanted to take it seriously after dabbling briefly with it years ago. Read on to get some ideas on how to create a no dig garden.
The world is now facing severe economic crisis and in the coming months food shortages and inflated prices is to be expected. It is during such turbulent times like now, that we are looking to extending the shelf life of our food. If you are like me cooking all meals from scratch, then you are in the right place. In this blog post, I am sharing 7 easy ways to preserve food at home during times of crisis and food shortages.
For the past few decades, there has been some crisis or the other in the world. Should you prepare for such eventualities ? Well it doesn’t hurt to be in a state of preparedness for any emergencies. We have been doing so in a very casual way since more than 2 decades. These are my my top 15 tips to prepare for any emergencies. In view of the latest world events and developments these tips could be a life saver for your family and loved ones.
Spring is just round the corner, and spring cleaning routine to de-clutter and clean our homes tops our to do list. Pantry is on the priority list of things to clean for most of us. Read on to get some ideas on my Pantry Organization with Tupperware and why I choose to go with their storage systems. I will be sharing with you my system and hacks for having a perfectly organized pantry with any storage system you are likely to choose.