Autumn means falling temperatures, therefore I tend to make vegetable soups more often for our dinner to combat the cold outside. This simple fall vegetable soup recipe is made with vegetables from our fall harvest. All you need to do is just chop vegetables and cook them on low heat. You will need very little spices because all the taste comes from the vegetables itself.
Chitra S.
Pizzas are a hot favorite and a go to meal for many with the convenience of a takeaway. To tell you the truth, the first pizza I ate was the one I made from scratch. This spelt pizza recipe from scratch is so easy to make and delicious because I use freshly milled spelt grains.
Did you know that Sea Buckthorn berries are a power house of antioxidants and vitamins especially Vit C and Vit A ? Sea Buckthorn is a miracle plant that gives us one of the best types of berries in the world. These berries are too good to be wasted with just jellies, so I have compiled together top 10 Sea Buckthorn Recipes in this post. I will also be giving you tips on harvesting them easily.
Its been a while since I wrote anything on this blog. Some of the reasons was I was just too busy with many festivities in August. After that, I was away for 2 weeks visiting the United States in early September. I had been looking forward to this visit since some time. It was a good time to take a break and have some “Me” time with family and friends. We are no well into autumn now, but I thought I will share summary of our Swiss Summer Garden successes with you in this post.
It is festival season and the festivals are on full swing in the Indian Sub-Continent. No festival is complete without Medu Vada. Vada is a must for most of the South Indian Hindu festivals. So, I thought I will kick off my blog post with this all time favorite recipe. I have already shared in an earlier blog post another favorite South Indian breakfast Idly Recipe. Vada is a great combination with Idly. I will also be briefly touching on how to grind for Medu Vada using Ultra Fastgrind Wet Grinder .
Our Summer Organic Garden in 2019 was tricky this year. This summer was a difficult one due to a delayed spring. There was not so much of a harvest as of yet and July was a relatively slow month at the Swiss Organic Garden. We are yet to learn a lot more tricks of gardening in this erratic climate.
Redcurrants are now in season, in this blog post you will learn how to make Redcurrant Jam in small quantities. I will also be giving you a tip on how to remove the berries from their stalks easily without much effort. After having posted the Redcurrant Jam Recipe recipe last year on this blog, it was time to tweak the recipe a little to make the jam without much effort.
In this blog post I will be writing about how to prepare a tasty Recipe with Swiss Chard South Indian style. Swiss chard is a member of the beet family and is also known assilver beet and perpetual spinach, and they come in a variety of colors. You’ll find stems ranging from bright yellow and orange to red, purplish and even pink hues. Chard is in season from July to November.
In my previous blog post, I posted a Strawberry Jam recipe, so now time for another recipe with these yummy Strawberries. Making your own eggless strawberry ice cream with fresh ripe fruits at home is easy. You know exactly what goes into the ice cream and you will also have a control of the portion sizes if you follow this method.
This year our Strawberry harvest was delayed by a couple of weeks. But oh boy we had a great harvest. After freezing some of it, and eating quite a lot all by myself, I still had so much left with me. One of the ways to preserve fruits without relying on freezers is by making Jams and jellies. This Easy Fresh Strawberry Jam Recipe just uses only 2 ingredients and its that delicious.